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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Remedies for Blogger's Commenting Issues

Word on the street: Blogger's built-in comment system sucks!

My problem: I didn't know that until after I had dedicated HOURS to messing around with HTML code to get the design of my new blogspot to look as much like my website as possible.

So I say: "Never give up! Never surrender!"

Possible remedies: Here's what I found after a few hours of sifting through comments on blogger's help articles,
  • When using a Google profile to leave a comment: Make sure you UNCHECK the box that says "Stay signed in." By default, when you choose "Google Account" from the "Select profile..." drop down menu, it sends you to the Google sign-in screen with the "Stay signed in" box already checked. UNCHECK that bad boy and (God willing) it should stop looping you back around to the sign in screen over and over again.  

  • If you have a blogspot and want to give your commenters a break: Make sure that you have a "Name/URL" and "Anonymous" option under the "Select profile..." drop down menu.
    • To do this: Sign into blogger, go to your Dashboard.
    • Choose the "Settings" tab, then click on "Comments."
    • Under "Who Can Comment," select "Anyone - includes Anonymous Users"
    • Click on "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page.

  • If you wish to REPLACE blogger's built-in comment system: Consider using an outside comment system that disables your blog's default comment module and replaces it with a new one using JavaScript, like...
    • DISQUS - It's incredibly easy to use and install. If you used blogger's templates to design your blogspot, then this will work for you. You simply push a button and Disqus does all the work for you and patches your blogspot with your new Disqus' account. (I, however, had to be a control freak and make my own HTML code and that magic button wouldn't work for me. In that situation, Disqus has you copy and paste their "Universal Code" in the body of your HTML template, which never came out right no matter what I did.) 
    • IntenseDebate - I went with IntenseDebate. They allow you to upload an XML document of your HTML code (which you can easily download from your blogger account by going to "Design">"Edit HTML">"Download Full Template") and - here's my favorite part - they put in their JavaScript for you!!! You then copy and paste your newly revised HTML template back into blogger (replacing the old one entirely) and *poof* no more blogger comment system!
If you wish to help me test it out, feel free to leave a comment below :)