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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Better late than never?

Set up: Published Author (PA) gets in line behind starry-eyed Wannabe (WB) at the Cyber Space Blogging Bar.
PA taps WB on the shoulder. “So, first blog hey?”
WB looks around anxiously and then whispers, “Is it that obvious?”
PA: “Ah no, I just noticed the copy of Blogging for Dummies in your hand.”
WB: “Oh.”
PA:  “Why?... Are you nervous?”
WB: “Kind of. I’m not sure what to say.”
PA: “Say anything. There’s no hard fast rules to this stuff.”
WB: "I guess I'm just afraid that my anything won't be witty enough or some Oprah 'ah-ha' moment. By the way, wasn't John Cusack cute in Say Anything?”
PA: “Heck yeah he was!”
*The sound of Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” fills the bar.*   
WB looks shocked. “Wow, that’s ironic!”
PA shrugs. “Not really. You’re the one writing this blog.”
WB: “Oh. Right.”
PA: “So, why don’t you talk about how you got interested in writing stories? You've probably loved books ever since you were a child, right?"
WB shakes her head.
PA looks surprised. "No?"
WB winces. “I know, it's weird. I thought of reading as absolute drudgery when I was in school.”  
PA: “Oh. Well, I'm sure if you weren't always reading stories growing up you must have been writing them?”
WB shakes her head again. “I only wrote poetry as a kid.”
PA: “Then why the sudden interest now?”
WB grimaced. “I can’t say.”
PA: “Oh come on. It can’t be that bad.”
WB: “Let’s just say I saw a certain movie a couple of years ago, then bought a certain book, then bought  the whole series of books and I was hooked! I needed more! Before long I had devoured over 50 books in six months.”
PA looked at WB knowingly. "Twilight?"
WB quickly covered her face. The sound of her voice muffled behind her hands: “Yes.”
 So there you have it. My secret source of shame. Not so much Twilight (if that's what you were thinking), but that it took me hopping on some pop culture bandwagon to discover what others have known all their lives... The joy of reading. The fact that this new found passion gave me another outlet for an old love of mine (writing), is just a plus.  I guess it's better late than never.


Ari Thatcher said...

Congrats on being brave enough to put yourself out there! Your books sound interesting, I can't wait to hear they've sold!

Christine Leo said...

YAY! My first comment ever! Thank you for that and for reading ANY of my website at all. The welcome page would have been enough. Your website is gorgeous btw! Please God! Let the hot man in your banner be a real model... haha.

Christine London said...

Twilight, eh?
Well if you are 'late', what does that make the rest of we old broads?

Very classy and easily navigated site. Well done!

Christine London

Kathy Bennett said...


What a nicely done website and blog! Very professional.

What a cute way to introduce your blog. No matter how you got to the 'writing world'...welcome!

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